Former Bitumen Manufacturing Plant – Beckenham WA
Gemec’s involvment with the site began with being contracted to undertake a detailed site investigation of the 2.06 hectare site. Following the investigation the site was classified as ‘possibly contaminated – investigation required‘ by the Department of Environment Regulation. Due to a redevelopment proposal the site required a mandatory auditor’s report to be prepared by an accredited contaminated sites auditor. Gemec subsequently undertook soil remediation works which involved the excavation of 4300 cubic metres of contaminateded soil. The soil was successfully bioremediated on-site and used to backfill the excavations.
Following Gemec’s successful remediation the site achieved auditor sign-off.
Stages of the Project
1. State prior to demolition.
2. Excavation of contaminated soil underway.
3. Bioremediation of soil on-site
4. Remediated site with lots of ready for sale.